

35 year old Male
Last online over 4 years ago
Mount Prospect, IL
I've been living in the Chicago area for 4 years now, and this area has always been a second home to me since I have family in the region. I'm originally from Missouri, and I grew up in St. Louis and in Jefferson City. I went to Mizzou, and I graduated with a business degree.

I'm a big Cardinals fan, and I like other sports including basketball and football. Heck, I even enjoy watching golf once in a while.

I love traveling. I've been to 10 countries so far, and I studied abroad in London. My next goal is to go to Asia, especially Japan since I find their culture fascinating. I'm also starting to learn a little Japanese as a hobby. I also hope to make it down to South America one day as well, especially Brazil.

I'm currently working in SEO at a Financial Investment Firm. I'm also starting graduate school part time at DePaul for a Masters in Computer Science.

I'm also working out more and trying to lose weight. I've lost 20 pounds within the last year which is great, but there is still more to be done. It's easier now to walk more since the snow showers in April crap is finally over.

Finally I have no shame admitting I'm a big nerd. I enjoy anime, manga, and video games as hobbies. Having said that, I enjoy getting outside when the weather is nice to go hiking, or golfing. I love going to baseball games, festivals, concerts, and etc.
May 20-22
Jul 7-9

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