Share your Cosplay Lineups!

Share your current line up of cosplays for Anime Midwest! Want to meet other cosplayers for your fandoms? Visit to hang out before con and discuss anime and cosplay, or schedule an unofficial meet-up or photoshoot here at!
My current Lineup for Anime Midwest Cosplays: Yoko Littner from Gurren Laggan [Confirmed, day unknown at this time] Hatsune Miku Racing- Vocaloid [Unconfirmed] Rin Nohara- Naruto [Unconfirmed] Warrior Mega Charizard X- Pokemon design by the Grumpy Old Bastard Creations [Unconfirmed]
For once I'll be cosplaying only one character all weekend, which should be more relaxing for me! I'll be Ruby from Steven Universe all weekend (I'll be with my friend who will be Sapphire all weekend, and we'll probably meet up with our other friends too). If you see me feel free to say hi! I have a really curly wig and my friend and I will probably be walking around with fake flowers too. I'm also hosting an unofficial photoshoot for Steven Universe on the Saturday of con! If you're interested feel free to check it out at the link below (you don't need a FB account to see the event but you need one if you want to confirm that you're going/interested) and ask me any questions you have!
My lineup for AM: Friday: Kanade (Angel Beats) 99% complete Saturday: Wrath (FMA) 30% complete and Moka (Rosario Vampire) 100% complete Sunday: Officer Jenny (Pokemon) 99% complete
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